What’s The Band

Whats The Band

In one form or another, music has seeped into almost every crevice of our lives. We hear songs on the radio, internet, in commercials, while we wait in elevators and so much more. If you are a fan of music, there is a new mobile app in the marketplace that will scratch that proverbial itch.

What’s The Band is a new graphic trivia game that has a similar style to 4 Pics 1 Word. Playing the game is a snap. Instead of 4 random pictures tying a common theme to form the secret word, you are presented with 4 album covers that appear in the discography of the secret band you must guess.

Badges are awarded for different achievements and multiple genres are covered. Some of the album covers are classic iconic imagery that we’ve seen in record stores of our youth. Some of these, however, will be abstract enough to pique your curiosity and keep you on your toes.