Man Zhang is the developer behind the hit franchise series “Hi, Guess The . . . ” that has been dominating the graphic picture quiz genre for a few years now. The thing that I enjoy most about his work are the illustrations. Every illustration that appears in his games is fresh and enjoyable to look at. The premise of his mobile apps are quite simple: Correctly guess the animated illustration that is prevented before you.
One of the first early adopters of thematic franchising, several variations on the original theme have gained notoriety. Hi Guess The Brand, Hi Guess The Food, Hi Guess The Places and Hi Guess Who have helped establish a dominant position. However, when we all get used to the different versions and think we have them figured out, they release games in the room escape genre.
Can You Steal It? is a game that involves you finding the secret item and escaping the room to the next level. The illustrations are every bit as fresh as the “Hi Guess” series, except now there are patterns of logic you must use in sequential order to get out of the room. Finding clues like hidden keys, secret passages, unlockable drawers and safe codes are just some of the great things awaiting you in this game.
Seeing as how we are a fan of the room escape genre, getting used to the developers style was all that stood in the way of getting to the current level. Only on a few instances did I have some trouble, but Can You Steal It Walkthrough was right there to help me, when I got completely stumped. It’s going to be fun to see what new variations they develop within the room escape class of mobile apps.